Monday, June 17, 2013

Linky Pinterest Party...does it get any better?

There is nothing better than an afternoon thunderstorm on a summer day. It's not just because I don't have to water the's always been something I have loved. Not having to water the flowers is just an added perk :)
Now that my jet setting is out of the way for a couple of weeks, I can finally get started on some new TpT products and blog more frequently. We were in Louisville this weekend! We got to spend some time at the track and with my husband's side of the family. 
Now, it's time to link up with a great linky party! I love this idea and linking up with new bloggers. Ashley from Just Reed is hosting a Pinterest linky party. Dare I say more? 
Pinterest and linky...done and done. 

   Slant Poster-Need to introduce this to my classes. I "make" them sit. I notice a difference, aside from the grumbling.
                                                   I love this poster for reminding kiddos to show me their "slant". I don't have to say "eyes up here" or "pay attention" or "stop talking" near as much as I used to. I keep this poster close to where I sit during carpet time. 

donations for the classroom! 
Typically, I do a tree on the board with apple post-it notes but I love this idea for the beginning of the year next year. Obviously, it won't be up all year but I thought it was a super cute idea! I want to change some things this year and not doing everything the exact same way that I have for the past four years! 

Pinned Image I did a blog post a couple of months ago on how to make these seats for your classroom. I went a little overboard and made 8 of them. I got on a roll and couldn't stop. Maybe this was on your summer check list to complete. If it was, you can refer back to my post from a couple of months ago. I am going to link you back to the post instead of my pinterest board for this one in case you want to know exactly how to do it. I tried to do it step by step! I have loved them! 

 writing center organization
I have a writing center but it is most definitely not this organized! Scrap book paper can make anything look cute and organized! I love this idea. You can get these small little organizers from a hardware store and then cutesy it up with scrapbook paper you have. 


I so wish we had an IKEA here because I would be getting this carpet! I love how open and clean this library looks. I also love the idea of hanging a clothesline across the window and hanging up the students work. 
birthday board made with pictures of students I have an entire wall that takes up birthday stuff. I tried to go with a soda shop theme classroom and it's basically just turned in to a hodgepodge of colors. I think I am going to take down the ice cream cone birthday wall and make it more useful and use this for birthdays for the door. Way cuter and uses less wall space!

Class gift <3I'm so so so so excited to have this in my room next year! My parents got it painted for me this year and it's going to put up this summer. I can't wait to see it up! It was the most thoughtful gift I have ever received from a group of parents. I'm getting excited thinking about it! 

WOW! So cute and has white boards and marker stored in each one.Well this would be great if I only had 15 students....

Cute ideas for spelling and reading

I really like the idea of a focus wall. I don't know that I have an area that would be this big but I know I can clear some space once I take down my birthday wall and change it to a birthday door instead :)


And if you are starting to feel overwhelmed about redecorating your entire classroom, just remember this quote! 
I have to do a little bit at a time. That's why I love Pinterest so much. I can just "pin it" and feel like I've done half the work. 
I would love for you to follow me on Pinterest! I have been all over instagram and facebook lately and need to get better with Pinterest and following through with some of my projects. 

Happy Monday! 


  1. Do you have a link to the site for the Focus Wall? That's amazing...I want to do something similar in my room.

    The Tutu Teacher

    1. Yes! Sorry I must not have linked it...try to click on the picture again to see if it will link it to my pinterest board. If not you can just copy and paste this link :)

  2. Great pins. I started my FB page today!! So now I'll be doing that too...busy busy we are! I think I need to link up to this party though b/c I seem to be on a pinning kick the past few days...hmmm

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

    1. Yay for you! I'll head over there to like it :)

  3. I am a teacher looking to move to TN, I have applied to every opening in TN. What area do you teach in?

    Just Diving In

    1. Oh awesome! I am just south of Nashville in Williamson Co. Where all have you applied? You can e-mail me directly if you would like!

  4. Great pins! The bee kind board is adorable- I've used the apple tree for too long. You got me thinking! :0)

    Learning With Mrs. Brinn

    1. I'm glad to know someone else does the apple board. It's a cute idea but I'm like you and need to change it up!

  5. I love your blog! Thanks for all of your help :)


There is nothing better than your thoughtful comments :) Thanks for taking the time to leave me your thoughts!