Friday, June 14, 2013

Five for Friday!


It feels good to be back home to do a Five for Friday! Ever since I started blogging, Five for Friday has been my Friday blogging ritual so I hated missing last week! I love getting to see everyone's week and linking up with new bloggers. 

1. I posted lots of pictures yesterday from my trip to Ireland and England. My husband and I went for a week long adventure (hence why I missed last Friday) and had the best time. I think we were most proud of ourselves for figuring out the tube system and getting around London by ourselves with little help. We did a few tours but mainly did it by ourselves. You can see all of my pictures from my post I did yesterday. I won't take up the entire page with all of my pictures again :)

But here are two picture that I like from the trip :)
The first one is us at a tube station. We were so exhausted from traveling but so proud of ourselves for getting around! 

And of course we ate a lot of food :)
We love trying new things and going to 

2. I also found out that I'm headed to Blogher conference this year thanks to American Reading Company! 

3. My most favorite thing that I got while I was there were books from the bookstores there. There was a girl from New York that was the children's manager at the book store I found most of my books from and she knew what books were popular in the states compared to there so she was super helpful. 
My favorite books are "Incy Wincy Spider" and the Jullia Donaldson books. She is the author of "The Gruffalo". Apparently, she is the Dr. Seuss/Eric Carle/Jan Brett of England. I am really excited about it because I am going to do an author study on her this year. My creative juices are flowing for a new TpT unit. I think you can get all of her books on Amazon...I'm about to have another book shopping spree, I think. 
Another author that I found while I was searching around was Oliver Jeffers. I just got one of his books because, again, you can find his on Amazon. They are really funny and I am excited to have some new books circulating through my room next year! 

4. My sister got this little cutie a few weeks ago and I am the babysitter for the summer. Maggie (my dog) hasn't decided if she is 100% in on having another dog around :)
 I just love that little face! 

5. Big news:

We're building a house! 
We just signed the contract yesterday and it's going to be right by the house we are in now but all sparkly and new. I am sure it's going to be a bit hectic for the next few months but we are both really excited about it! 
I couldn't take a picture of it because it isn't built yet but I'm sure this is what it will look like when we take a picture in front of it :) 

Happy Friday to you all!


  1. Welcome back! It looks like you had a great time. We remodeled a 100 year old home and my piece of advice would be to make sure no one leaves with an unfinished project!!! Our laundry room counter is still not done and it's years later. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Sandy! Thanks for the advice...I bet your home is beautiful even with an unfinished laundry room counter. I love historic homes!

  2. Wow! You've had a busy summer! Congrats on the new house! You will have lots of fun putting your special touches on it!


    An Apple a Day in First Grade

    1. So busy...I feel like the summer is already flying by!

  3. Wow - Congrats! I can't wait to see the new home! Your trip looked awesome! The Tube can certainly be a nightmare! Did you love the "mind the gap" announcement as the doors closed? Got me every time!

    Lucky to Be in First

    1. Haha yes! Thank you for the recommendations...I LOVED Murphy's ice cream. I tried to go back the next day :)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. The books you found look SO cute! Your kiddos will love them. Moving is no fun, but totally worth it!
    First Grade Buddies

    1. I know...I'm a little nervous about the time between selling and buying but praying that it will go smoothly! I am also not looking forward to moving in the dead of winter!


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