It has been one busssyyy weekend! Whew.
I think that I may have more bridesmaids dresses than Katherine Heigl.
Love my girls, but dang they all are getting married!
We started yesterday at 9:30 a.m. and didn't get done til after midnight.
I did some pre-planning before so that today wouldn't make me want to cry. I actually have my plans done before I have to go to bed!
Here's a peek at my week. We have a lot of assessing going on! It all starts tomorrow morning right when they get there at 8:30. We used to use AIMsWeb to determine RTI and show growth. Now, we are on to an entirely new data tracker, so we will see how it goes. It's all on-line. I can see the pros and cons to it being on-line. Mostly con because who knows if they are just click happy...
I am also going to be starting my assessment for DSA (Developmental Spelling) this week to determine spelling groups. My hope is to have reading groups and spelling groups up and running by the end of the month.
I love having two week station rotations!
It makes for a stress free set-up every other week.
Here's a peek at my Saturday...beautiful wedding and bride!
Even though it was a long day, it was fun and the reception was gorgeous!
I even had a cute date ;0)
Hope you are enjoying the same weather that we are today!
Happy planning!
Looks like you had a wonderful time! I need a good common core pacing guide. Do you have one that you like? I have a great week, Elizabeth!