Monday, August 19, 2013

I survived the first full day of K!!!

Holy mcMoly...

I made it!
 I made it the entire day without losing a Kindergartner. 
Don't you feel accomplished when you say that for the first couple of days? Those poor babies just stand there and stare at you like lost little puppies. I am having my students line up in number order this year so that I've kind of built in a buddy system. The self awareness isn't quite there so I can't assume that the awareness of others has developed yet but that's the method behind the madness. 

I was SO excited to get to take pictures of students working today! I love getting to put my products together, but I love it even more when I get to use them in my classroom and show other teachers what we're doing. This was part of my color word set. It's a differentiated pack but lawd I had them all do the same page today. I would have loved to see myself running around trying to give 2 separate sets of instructions. Half of them were cutting every line they saw on the page or were gluing upside know the drill in the beginning. 

The level 2 stuff will be saved for a later date...a "to be continued" if you will. 

I've never really gotten on board with the color day thing. I can't keep up with what color they should be wearing and neither can the parents. There is always one kid that never participates and then if they forget then there is a whole mess of tears...etc etc. 

I also felt like most of them got colors in pre-school. 
Well, now it's standard so I'm all in on it. I still haven't jumped on the "let's all wear red" but this is what we did today. 

BTW...this work was done by kiddos that were there on their first day...whhhattttt. I did not rig this and do it for them ;0)

The kiddos did the level one page for morning work. 
I also love doing the color poem songs every year. 
I found a F.A.B. resource to go along with the songs. 

I linked in the youtube video you can watch to go with it. Kelly has all of the songs with pages for the students to fill it. I am using these pages for all the days we talk about color words (which will be foreves).
Sharing is caring so here is the red page (level 1) for ya for free...gotta love some back to school lubin'

Of course, we also had to read Pete.
 His shoes are fits. 

I have been loving this TpT sale and I have gone a bit cray...the amount of things I have purchased will probably need to be saved for a future post. 

Happy Monday peeps...hope you are all surviving out there! 


  1. Congratulations on surviving! Don't you sort of find yourself counting kids all day? They learned red and you got REALLY good at counting fast! Love the color pack- and your kids look like little geniuses already with their work!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

    1. I am still counting them! They are a great group though :) Hope you are having a great back to school as well!

  2. My fave is the 9:08am question, "Can I go home now please?" And their sad faces at the end of the day when you say "See you all tomorrow!" and they realise that their academic career will be longer than 1 day. :) Lucky they love us in no time.

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!

    1. When they ask that...I think "Me Too?" lol. They are so sweet but man they are bouncy :)


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