Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Five


You know how I keep track of what day it is in the summer? 
Linky Parties. 

Manic Monday
Tried it Tuesday
Workshop Wednesday
Throwback Thursday
Five for Friday

I would just be floating by through the week and have no clue what day it is unless it was for linky parties. 
So that means today is Friday! Friday doesn't hold the same excitement that it usually does during the school year, but don't worry Friday, we will be back to loving you the best once school starts back. 

1. It looks like they are about to start building our house. We live right around the corner from where they are building so I have a feeling we are going to have a hard time being patient! 

2. I finally started working on a new unit. I am hoping to have in done by sometime next week. Stay tuned for another giveaway :)

3. Speaking of giveaway. If you haven't visited the blog-is-sphere this week there are quite a few peeps that are doing giveaways on their blog for following them on bloglovin'. Some people are even doing $10 to TpT which is pretty fab. You can click the button below to follow me on bloglovin' and then click the linky party button to get to the post about the giveaway if you are so inclined to do so.

4. I know I blew up your facebook, instagram, blog feed, e-mail...everything this week because I was just way to excited not to tell everyone about ePals sending me to Vegas for the "I Teach K' conference. I know I am going to get some great ideas and will share with you all if you aren't coming. I am way excited to go to the session that Tad Hills is leading (author of the Rocket books). 
Who else is coming? 

5. I know this doesn't seem like big news but the hubby and I are SO (so excited that shouty caps are needed) excited to be staying home this weekend. We have been jet setters since the beginning of the summer and we haven't had a weekend to just hang out. So that's what we're doing and it will be glorious!
Whatcha doing this weekend ? I hope it's something fun or relaxing ;0)


  1. Yay for your new house! I can't wait to see the progress! I love the name of your new unit!

    Lucky to Be in First

    1. Thanks girl! The books are by Jan should check them out. I bet you would love them!

  2. Staying home is great, isn't it!! Sometimes you just need a vacation from your vacation!!
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

  3. So jealous about the I Teach K conference! That is awesome! :)

    Congrats on the beginning stages of the house! :)

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

    1. I know! I wish I could take you and my other best bloggy buds in my suitcase :( I have a feeling the house is going to be crazy stressful but I'm really excited about it!


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