Friday, May 10, 2013

Five for Friday


It's a rainy Friday here. It would have been the perfect morning to pull the covers up and go back to sleep. 
But I had to get up to teach spin and then come to school to finish up the week :)

Thank goodness it's Friday though and it's time to link up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. 

1. We are going to Steeplechase tomorrow. It's basically when people in Tennessee pretend they have a Derby. Everyone carries around a  This was a picture of me and hubby last year (or maybe 2 years ago!?). I am not wearing a fancy hat this year because I have a big head and lots of hair and it always rains. So I will be going sans hat this year. 
I think.

2. We went on a Field Trip this week to a Wetland and it was comical. Two kids fell in head first while fishing for tadpoles. It was also an hour ride there and back. The teachers kids we exhausted. I think it gave them inspiration for their habitat project though! 

3. I was a guest blogger twice this week! It was so fun to see what I wrote on some else's blog. I am so grateful to Khrys and Jeannie for having me blog for them this week. You should go check out their blogs if you haven't already! 
                Grab My Button                             

4. The habitats are being created! The kids are so excited about them. They have been studying about habitats and I just let them create an animal around a habitat that they pick. The books I got from American Reading Company (for free I might add!) have been perfect for this activity. The kids have been able to scan through the informational non-fiction books about habitats to get ideas for what they want to add to their habitat. I have them create them in shoe boxes but you could get creative and have them draw one or write about one. I used this planning page to help them plan their habitat. 

5. Lastly, in honor of appreciating teachers this week...I did a giveaway! It ended today and here at the winners:

I'll e-mail you shortly so you can let me know what you would like! 

Have a wonderful weekend  :)


  1. I can't believe you teach spin BEFORE school! I have been thinking about working out before school... but it just hasn't happened yet. haha! Have a great time at Steeplechase!

    K-3 Connection

    1. It's rough but I love being done with it so I don't have to worry about it after school!

  2. LOL! In my hometown we have a pretend Derby too! We love our Steeplechase! Happy Friday!
    Brandee @ Creating Lifelong Learners

    1. It's kind of silly really but of course I get a new dress for it every year :)

  3. Elizabeth, you look so CUTE in your Steeplechase attire! Sounds like a blast! Your habitat planning page is perfect! Happy Friday!

    Lucky to Be in First

  4. Ugh. I wish I could get up early and work would "work out" time wise for me but noooo I'm sleeeppy and have to do it at night! LOL

    Love the pic!

    I'm excited I won!! :)

    Mrs. Thigpen's Kindergarten

    1. Woohoo!!! I'm excited too :) I e-mailed ya so let me know what you want girly!

  5. We are building habitats in a few weeks! Wish we had amazing books like you used, those look great for "research" in the primary grades! :)
    Tamra and Sarah
    First Grade Buddies

    1. They really are! I didn't even know books like that actually existed..ha!

  6. I love your writing style- you always make me laugh. At the end of some very long weeks it is dearly appreciated.
    Love your hat!

    1. I'm so glad :) I am honored that you read it!

  7. Glad to find your blog through Doodlebugs!! You look great in a hat! :)


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