Friday, May 3, 2013

Five for Friday!

Ok...seriously with this week! 
Does testing just make the week automatically slow. down.
A. complete. stop. 

Friday is finally here! 

1. We got our new "class pets" this week if that's what you want to call them. The bag of goldfish arrived in their blue water, 3 already dead. That's always fun to pull out with a swarm of 5 and 6 year olds watching every move you make to get them situated. 

Kid- "Mrs. Hall...why is that fishy floating upside down?"
Me- " of life?"

Geez. We should have some genetically inclined goldfish if they are going to under the close scrutiny of Kindergartners. This little fella was only with use for the next few minutes until he turned belly up. My TA had to do a secret op in the back of the room while I did a song and dance for them on the carpet.

We also got pill bugs, worms, guppies and snails.
What joy.

2. Our yard got a serious make-over. I would have never in a million years put a picture of my front yard on my blog. I only invite close friends and family over to the house in fear of the judgement that is sure to follow by the looks of the front yard. I mean... embarrassing. We finally broke down and hired someone to come and fix it for us! What a relief! 
It looks way better than I could have ever imagined. Best money ever spent. I don't even want to think how long that would have taken the two of us to do. Not the handiest couple in the world :)

3. I have been a serious slacker when it comes to my TpT products. I started working on this unit of poetry a couple of weeks ago. It is mainly for me to try and keep all of the poems organized that we have through the year. 
I'll get it up eventually. I've had some freebies that up on my blog that I have added to the unit.

4. I do a 100 Book Challenge with my kiddos. What do you do when they read 200 books? They go above and beyond and read until their eyeballs pop? 

You take them to go get icecream...that's what you do! 
I am so super lucky to have Ms. Sarah and Ms. Dana. Since I have IEP kiddos in my room this year, I get to work with these wonderful ladies.They love all of my kids just as much as I do and I have loved co-teaching. They support every kid and I am just blessed beyond belief to have them!

5. I'll leave you with this little gem of a story from this week that has to do with my dog. First of all, let me preface this by saying I am not one of those animal people that writes up-date statuses about the new trick their dog did that day or the toy she played with...etc. We all have FB friends like that...I am not one of them (excpet for right now). 
However, this dog is so infuriating that I have to tell you this story. 
Tuesday night I went downtown Nashville to have dinner with one of my best girlfriends. I thought Maggie (pictured here) would like to come and sit outside with us. It's her birthday week and of course I think that Maggie knows this and would like to join me to my girls night dinner. Seriously, you do know that dogs don't know if it's their birthday (I know you are thinking that). 
Anyways, while we were there, she was oddly behaved. She was withholding from barking at the usual suspects (bikes, motorcycles, other dogs, kids, UPS trucks, cats, anything that moves...etc.). I had her leash locked and she was sitting right next to me.
Fast forward one hour later in to the dinner, we are getting our checks. Maggie sees a motorcycle go down 21st Ave. (busy street in the middle of the city) and she runs so hard and so fast that she snaps her leash in half and takes off down the street. A fellow dinner goer is in mid-bite of her salad when she flips her fork in the air (literatly...salad flying) leaps over the fence and starts running down the street with me and bus boy in tow.
I know what you're thinking...and she is fine. She didn't get hit by a car.
Someone down at the coffee shop grabbed her mangaled leash.
I caught up, a smidge embarraed and walked back to my table and grabbed my purse and friend.
This dog is worse than Marley...believe me.
But it's her birthday week so she can snap a leash in half if she wants to.
No walks for this birthday girl this week.

Tell me I am not the only person with a crazy animal!!!
Happy Friday!


  1. Haha!! Love the Maggie story and am happy to hear I am not the only one with a crazy dog (. . . or 2 crazy dogs) :)

    Happy Friday!!

    The Cozy Classroom

    1. She is crazy...I thought old age would slow her down!

  2. You are definitely not the only one with a crazy dog. We have a Border Collie...enough said! Your Maggie is so cute! :)
    We got guppies (15 of them) all but 3 are alive.
    Your yard looks gorgeous!!!
    Have a wonderful day!
    ❀Beth Ann❀
    Taming My Flock of Firsties

    1. Thanks Beth Ann! A border collie just sounds like a bigger version of my dog..which is a scary thought!

  3. Your yard looks great! You will have to check out my Five for Friday and see what my yard looks like! We had MAY!! I have started fairy tales and have been using your unit! It is great! I also have that on Five for Friday! We didn't get a lot done this week though...we had two early outs and one snow day! I am doing good with caterpillars, I can't imagine willingly bringing in those bugs! Good for you!!! I am sure the kiddos LOVE it! Thanks for sharing and thanks again for suggesting the fairy tale swap!!!

    1. Yay! So glad you are liking the Fairy Tale unit! My kiddos really enjoyed yours as well. I can't believe it's snowing there. What a bummer :-/ It's supposed to be rainy and gross all weekend here!

  4. Your yard looks great! I am pretending I don't have a back yard. It's such a mess of weeds that I've decided to ignore it a while longer! I love your blog and writing style.

  5. You're on the Teacher Blog Directory! Don't forget to grab the button. Thanks for posting it and I hope it becomes a great resource.
    Kids Math Teacher


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