Monday, May 13, 2013

Announcing the Winner and Linky

I can't even believe I have the hand strength to type right now. Hashtag report card problems! They are the worst. I am just doing a little at a time so I am not in an arm sling by next week. 
That's my drama for the night :-P Who do I think I'm talking to!? The same people with the same problems! Summer is coming! 

Yay for Erika because she won the poetry unit. I can't wait to start using it next year with my Kinders. I make all of my products to fit the needs of my students and my teaching style. My hope is that it can help someone else as well! 

Now on to my fellow TN teacher linky party! You don't have to be a teacher from TN to join in the fun. Lucky you! 

1.  What made you decide to become a teacher?
2. What has been your most rewarding experience as a teacher?
3. If you were not a teacher, what would you be?

To answer the first was never a decision I made. It was a calling. A teacher I work with always says, "Teaching isn't a job, it's a calling." I have never believed a statement so true. I remember in college when I asked people what their major was and they didn't know. In my head I always though, WHAT?!?! How do you now know? I just always knew that was what I was going to do and there was never another thought about it. 

My most rewarding experience as a teacher has been working with special ed. I did a guest blog post about it last week, but it has been life changing and it will forever mold me as a better teacher. If you are trying to avoid getting special ed in your classroom because you think it will mess up your will learn more from those kids than I could ever tell you. Try it if you haven't! 

If I wasn't a teacher I'd be a stripper (kidding) photographer. I always wanted to do something crazy like photograph for National Geographic. I still love taking pictures and hope that it will continue to just be a fun hobby for me. 

I am having my first guest blogger tomorrow so be sure to come back and give her some luvin'!



  1. I completely agree that teaching is a calling I have always wanted to teach! So funny because if I wasn't a teacher I also would be a photographer :) I do feel like I am already with all the pictures I take of my class!

  2. Hi Elizabeth (that's my daughter's middle name),
    I found your blog via the Let's Get Acquainted Linky. I teach third grade right now but am transferring to kindergarten next year. So I am your new follower. I look forward to getting to know you as well as all your great kinder ideas!

    Stephanie Ann
    Sparkling in Third Grade


There is nothing better than your thoughtful comments :) Thanks for taking the time to leave me your thoughts!