Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday Funday! A Teaching Free Post

It's been a Sunday Funday kind of day weekend for me and my hubby. 
Why do I feel like my posts are getting to be less and less about school. Probably because we only have 17 days left before summer! Yahoo!!!

We went to our friend's 30th birthday celebration (how do I have friends that are 30 already!?) on Friday night and then out to the Jimmy Buffet concert last night. I grew up with my parents listening to Jimmy Buffet and I have to say that I am glad that I went. We had a blast! 

 30th birthday fun

Hanging with the parrotheads before the concert!

Our 3-5 graders started TCAP testing on Friday and it goes through this week as well. I organized with the K-2 teachers to provide lunch for the upper grade teachers this week. I taught 4th for a half year right out of college and I remember giving that test and being so stressed out. I really liked the content of 4th grade but I could not do TCAP every year so that's part of how I ended up with my kinders. That, and I love 5-6 year olds :)

I got a veggie tray (thank you Costco!) and made a chicken pasta salad. It is so yummy and way simple. 

All that's in it is pasta (any kind you like), cooked grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, olives, and artichoke pieces. Then, before I put it out tomorrow I toss it in Italian dressing or Kraft "anything" dressing. I usually make it a little bit healthier with wheat pasta and fat free dressing but since I am serving it to about 20 people, I go for taste over waist :-p

It's a perfect summer dish if you are going to a cookout or picnic. You can make it more of a side dish and leave out the chicken. 

Have you seen my friend Khrys and Brittany's new linky party? I haven't taken any pictures yet (obviously). I mean I would be happy to take a picture of myself sitting at the computer in my husband's t-shirt and gym shorts but I think they have something else in mind. I am going to be linking up with them this week and I hope you do too! 

So to re-cap:

Did you get any good teaching tips from this post? Well, no
Did you get a freebie? Another, no
Did anything about this post have anything to do with Kindergarten and ways to better yourself as a teacher? do have a fabulous new recipe and a reason to get up and get your hair did in the morning this week!!! That's for free people! 


  1. Ha ha ha! You're shocked your friends are 30? Now I feel old! Sounds like you had a fun weekend!

  2. Girllllll I bet you're rocking that t-shirt and shorts.

    Can't wait to see your teacher style... I KNOW it's cute!

    Closing the Gap... in a Cute Outfit!

  3. Taste over waist! Haha I am so going to use that term now - I love it! And that pasta looks delish!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  4. I was 30 last year... eeek! Went to Vegas to celebrate though so it wasn't too bad! :)

    Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!


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