Sunday, May 19, 2013

Let's Get Acquainted on my last Sunday before Monday!

It's my last Sunday before Monday! I was super sad last week and today I am feeling pretty excited that I only have one more Monday to wake up. Even though we have to go to school until Friday this week...the kids have their last day on Tuesday. 

I love a good linky party and Latoya from Flying into First Grade puts on a fabulous on each week! 

But before I get started, I have to share what just happened as my husband was cooking dinner (yeah he cooks) tonight.

As he is cutting up sweet potatoes (and I quote), "I can't believe I didn't pin this recipe." 
Sorry ladies, he's taken. 
I about fell out of my chair laughing when he said that. I do have to admit, my hubby is a wonderful chef and he makes a wonderful wife husband. What a gem. Back to the linky party...

Topic: Meet 2 of my Bloggy Friends

I've met some pretty wonderful people through blogging, but I would have to say that Amanda and Khrys have been my cheerleaders and go to gals since I started blogging. They are both wonderful teachers and fab friends. 

Grab My Button

Mrs Pauleys Kindergarten

I have also met a lot of new friends that I am so thankful for and would be so bored with my little blog without them. If I tried breaking the rules right now I would probably just copy and paste my entire Blog List of teachers that I follow. I am so grateful to all the peeps out there that I have formed relationships with and gotten ideas from. Thank you for being such a wonderful community of teacher bloggers :0)

Hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing weekend! 


  1. It's so nice to have friends that support you and keep you going!


  2. Hi Elizabeth,
    Found your blog through the linky. I am lucky enough to have a chef (husband) too. :)
    Funky First Grade Fun

  3. Hi Elizabeth!
    Loved seeing your hubby in the kitchen taking charge!
    Your two blogging buddies are so darn sweet! I love them too!
    Have a great week!
    Ms. Marciniak's First Grade Critter Cafe

  4. Thank you sweet friend. So thankful to have met you through my blogging journey. You are the best!!! :-)

    Mrs. Pauley’s Kindergarten


There is nothing better than your thoughtful comments :) Thanks for taking the time to leave me your thoughts!